Tasting the Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Director’s Note:
“‘Tasting the Stars’ explores the topics of male body image issues and masculinity. While it is extremely common to see and hear women talking about self-care, skincare, and beauty, it is still a taboo for men in our society to discuss these things openly. Caring about appearance is often seen as unmanly for guys. This project pushes the boundary by bringing men’s morning routines to the big screen.
Besides, when we meet people out in the world, we only get to see the ‘finished products.’ ‘Tasting the Stars’ allows the viewers to witness a parallel reality between how these 7 men, all in their 20s, go about curating their outward persona and what is actually going on in their lives. The 7 chapters portray an aspect of people’s lives that we never get to see in real life. Of course, despite being similarly aged, these men’s morning routines are drastically different due to their race, socio-economic background, and birthplace. In short, there are many intricate things to observe and contemplate in this piece.
Please keep an open mind and applaud for these men’s courage to share a sensitive part of their lives with us. Perhaps, you will see yourself in them too.”